
Lukas A. Flohr

I am a human-computer interaction researcher, designer, and project manager with over five years of professional experience in the industry (plus a bunch of internships, working student jobs, and university projects). My work focuses on the interaction of humans and intelligent systems. Benefiting from my interdisciplinary background, I love transferring research insights to industry applications.

I hold a Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.) in Computer Science from the Ubiquitous Media Technology Lab at Saarland University, a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Human Factors Engineering from the Technical University of Munich, and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Media Design from the Hochschule Furtwangen University. My doctoral research concentrated on context-based prototyping of human-machine interfaces for autonomous vehicles.

As a Senior UX Designer and Project Leader at Ergosign – one of Germany’s leading UX consultancies – I tackle design, research, and prototyping challenges. In my work, I embrace collaborative and agile methods and frameworks such as human-centered design, collaborative UX design, and design thinking, as well as qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Talks, Presentations, and Workshops

Paper presentation at the ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2023 (DIS ’23). Prototyping Autonomous Vehicle Windshields with AR and Real-Time Object Detection Visualization […]. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, July 2023. 

Speaker at the Doctoral Consortium 2022 of the DGPs Fachgruppe Verkehrspsychologie. Context-Based Prototyping of Autonomous Vehicle HMIs. Dresden, Germany, September 2022. 

Speaker at the Doctoral Consortium 2021 of the DGPs Fachgruppe Verkehrspsychologie. User Interfaces for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand. Braunschweig, Germany, September 2021. 

Co-organizer of the GermanUPA Arbeitskreis Automotive Systems workshop on „Future Mobility: Interacting with Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand“ at the ACM Mensch und Computer Conference 2021 (MuC ’21). Online, September 2021. 

Paper presentation at the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI ’21). Chat or Tap? […]. Online, September 2021. 

Co-speaker with Daniel Kerpen and Dieter P. Wallach at the Usability in Germany (UIG) Tagung 2021 (UIG ’21). Prototyping im UX Design: Varianten, Funktionen – und Missverständnisse. Online, September 2021. 

Co-speaker with Daniel Lauer at the nationwide Digitaltag 2021. Autonomes Fahren & Ich – Ein Blick auf die fahrerlose Zukunft. Online, June 2021. 

Speaker at the GermanUPA AK Automotive Systems workshop on „Usability Drives Mobility“ at ACM Mensch und Computer 2020 (MuC ’20). Online, September 2020. 

Co-speaker with Annika Kaltenhauser and Dieter P. Wallach at the Usability in Germany Tagung 2020 (UIG ’20). Mehr als nur Buzzwords: Zum Verhältnis von KI und UX. Online, November 2020. 

Paper presentation at the ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2020 (DIS ’20). Context-Based Interface Prototyping and Evaluation for (Shared) Autonomous Vehicles […]. Online, July 2020. 

Speaker at the Mucbook Creative Night 2020 held as part of the Munich Creative Business Week 2020 (MCBW ’20). Kollaborative und menschzentrierte Entwicklung künftiger Mobilitätskonzepte. Munich, Germany, March 2020. 

Advised Student Theses

Eva-Maria Burg. 2023. Zwischen Informationsüberflutung und Vertrauenssteigerung: Eine Analyse der Informationsbedürfnisse von Insass:innen eines SAE Level 4 Fahrzeugs. Bachelor’s Thesis. Deggendorf Institute of Technology.

Tiana Meiers. 2023. Investigating the Infuence of Provided Information on Users’ Willingness to Share Rides in Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems. Master’s Thesis. Saarland University. 

Alexander Altmaier. 2023. Analyse, Konzeption und prototypische Umsetzung eines SAE Level 4 Shuttle Fahrgastinfodisplays. Bachelor’s Thesis. University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern. 

Joseph Sebastian Valiyaveettil. 2022. User Centric Development for AI Applications: Object Detection and Multi-Object Tracking in User Experience Research of Autonomous Vehicles. Master’s Thesis. Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences.

Sofe Kalinke. 2020. Change of Plans – Comparison of Graphical and Conversational User Interfaces in Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems in Case of Changing User Requirements. Master’s Thesis. Technical University of Munich. 

Julian Schneider. 2019. Fahrgastinformationssyteme für autonome Shuttles in Mobility on Demand Services. Bachelor’s Thesis. Trier University of Applied Sciences.


Human-Centered Interface Design for Automated Cyber-Physical Systems. Seminar. Summer 2022. Saarland Informatics Campus. // Conceptualization and conduct of the seminar in collaboration with Anke Hirsch, Nina Knieriemen, and Frederik Wiehr; cooperation of the Ubiquitous Media Technology Lab (UMTL) and Ergosign GmbH.

UX Awareness Training. Professional Training. Since 2021. Ergosign GmbH. // Training clients‘ IT teams in UX and human-centered design principles.

Website Prototyping. Tutorial. Winter 2014 – Summer 2015. Hochschule Furtwangen University. // Conceptualization and conduct. Tutorial accompanying the lecture ‚Interface Design‘.